Tearfund Mission Trip to Ethiopia

Rev Adam, & Karl Kee with Tearfund are venturing on a mission trip to Ethiopia 3rd to 8th October

Tearfund will be visiting the Parish with a road show on the 17th September in the Henderson Hall, as part of our Harvest Season. This will be an opportunity to see some of the work and see what Rev Adam and Karl will be seeing when in Ethiopia.

In order to help Rev Aadm & Karl to Ethiopia and to support for the projects they will be visiting, there will be a number of fund raising events over the next few weeks.

Tea & Cake sale Glenmore Hall, 2nd September 8pm

Guest Supper at Stranorlar Golf Club 10th September 7:30-10pm see poster bellowguest supper for Ethopia big for publishing

Watch this space for further details and news.

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