
Read: Read Matthew 28:16-20 Before Jesus ascended to heaven and before Pentecost Jesus gave the disciples some instructions. He told them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Today is Trinity Sunday and we use today to remind us that God is… Continue reading Untitled

Wednesday in Holy Week

 Wednesday – Jesus washes the disciples feet – John 13:1-17  Read: John 13:1-17 This happened during the Last Supper which we will look at tomorrow. We need to remember that at the time of Jesus people wore sandals or went bare footed- no shoes like we know. Roads would have been dusty and dirty and there was probably animal… Continue reading Wednesday in Holy Week

Tuesday in Holy Week

• Tuesday – A Woman Pours Perfume on Jesus at Bethany – John 12:1-11  Read: John 12:1-11 Jesus and his friends were having a meal together. Mary took some very expensive perfume and pours it over Jesus’ feet. Judas, who would go on to betray Jesus was really annoyed and thought the woman was being wasteful – perfume at the time of… Continue reading Tuesday in Holy Week

Monday in Holy Week

• Monday – Jesus in the Temple – Mark 11:15-19 Read: Mark 11:15-19 Jesus wanted the Temple to be respected – to be a place where people could come to pray and worship but instead it was full of people selling things and taking advantage of people who came to make sacrifices. Jesus got angry about this and started turing over tables and… Continue reading Monday in Holy Week